Time travel: far in the past

It's a difficult question for me because thinking about the future scares me and the past is not one of my favorite things either but just for this time, my decision will be exaggerated and I'll say that I would like to travel far in the past when we were just cells or better said, prokaryotes (who were the first forms of life in our planet).

I would like to travel at this point in life because everything was just stay in a great place with other prokaryotes and think about what we are gonna eat at lunch (If we were prokaryotes that don´t produce their own food). And as you noticed it was ironic but only the reason, because I really would like to travel to the beginnings of the Earth.

It's just for scientific purposes and I know is kind of boring the true reason but is something interesting to me to know how the world was in those conditions, without the atmosphere, in high temperatures, etc. I mean, nowadays there are a lot of models that explain how the world was, but I would like to see it with my own eyes (obviously I'm thinking in that way if the time travel was real and if there was a special suit for those conditions). Another thing I would like to take a look at is the process of evolution since prokaryotes and how were the different transformations, and the adaptation of these organisms to become eukaryotic cells. These changes took a long time so I wouldn't like to stay and watch all the process because probably I would need to stay for hundreds of years (and i guess it's more) so I would rather to travel for a short period like months or something like that.

Thanks for reading me.


  1. It would be interesting to see the evolution of life from its beginnings, although having to be there for million of years could be a major problem lol

  2. Oh, I would like to be at that age too, but I would add having the chance to see how life evolved to what it is today.

  3. Considering the prokaryotic past for time travel didn't cross my mind before, but it's a fascinating choice fueled by scientific curiosity.

  4. I think traveling to the beginning of the earth would be very interesting, I'll go with you!

  5. With this I remembered the phrase "I wish I was an amoeba"

  6. It's refreshing to see someone express such a keen interest in the origins of life and our planet


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