My dream job

If I'm honest with you, my dream job is not one, and being realistic and at the same time dreamy, I have at least, four dream jobs which is quite a lot.

One of my dream jobs is being a teacher because I've always liked teaching and sharing the knowledge that I learn. I would like to teach Chemistry, Biology and sometimes Maths. As you can see, I'm not studying a major to become a teacher (I'm studying Biochemistry) and the reason is my second dream job which is being a scientist and investigating many things, but in particular about the hereditary syndrome that I and my family have. I love to study and learn about things that I like, for example, Biology and Chemistry.

My third dream job is related to my major and my second dream job and is to be a science communicator and share all my knowledge through platforms such as TikTok or face-to-face conferences such as in schools, congresses, etc. I think is very important to increase these instances to educate people about science and technology, because is a right, and most of the time it is forgotten by the State and the scientific community.

These jobs are a little bit related to learning and teaching knowledge so I think the skills that I need to be able to do all of them are time management, communication skills, creativity, critical thought, etc.

Talking about the salary is kind of sad and boring for me because science-related jobs are not valued in Chile, so in general, salaries are low. But for me is not a big deal, my kind of success is acquiring a lot of knowledge and being able to teach it (cries in poor)

Now I'm thinking of applying for more grades in the future, for example, a Ph.D or something like that, but first I'm gonna concentrate to end my major XD.

And in the end of this post, I want to mention my fourth dream job which is being a pet sitter with my boyfriend. We want to travel and care for pets in different countries.

Thanks for reading<3


  1. wowwww sounds fantastic, I love that you wanna teach and share about this world that not many people delve into.

  2. I love that you have clear goals, I hope you can make all your dreams come true!

  3. Your passion for teaching, science, and science communication is inspiring. Keep pursuing your dreams.

  4. By reading this, It's very clear that you enjoy to share your knowledge with people, and it's true we need to teach people about scientific stuff that may be very important in their lives! It can be very helpful.


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