Changes to my study programme

 Well, starting with mentioning that I'm in my second year of my major, so I can't talk about of especific courses or knowledge of Biochemistry, because the firts two years correspond to basic courses so I'm gonna focus on that aspects the most of the blog.

Thinking about the knowledge, I would say that actually I really like this basic programme that involve the four careers. I think that this basic courses give us knowledge about many areas of science and it's good for our professional development in the future or even in the present if we need to teach about Chemistry to a student from the school, for example. If I'm honest, in the beginning I thought that these courses it wasn't important, but now I realized that, in fact, are indispensable to understand everything which comes in the next courses.

And if I need to say something that I don't like very much and I would like to change is the necessity of a more hours for doing some exams /tests (called "horario protegido"). But focusing in the classes, I would like to improve the teaching methods improving the ways of motivation to paricipate in the class, for example. I would like to implement quizzes in courses that don't use it as a evaluation method, because with these there will be more opportunities to learn from the mistake and we will probably be less stressed without thinking only in the grade. But I know that this idea maybe would not work thinking about the time that it probably takes. And the last thing that I would like to implement more courses that teach about skills that would help us in our professional future like, for example, how to be a good leader, the comunication skills, etc. 

 Talking about the infrastructure of my faculty, I would like to implement more eating spaces with a roof that can protects us from the rain, for example. I would like to fix the chairs in the study spaces and I would like to have more classroms, because sometimes are not enough considering the size and the number of classroms. And focusing in the tecnological problems, the only problem that I notice is the poor conecction to the university's internet, because some times it doesn't work.

P.D: Lulú sleeping for motivation (one of the faculty's pets)


  1. I also think there should be more places to eat, but I hadn't thought about that since I don't spend much time at college.


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